Startup Showcase: Testlify – The Talent Assessment Platform Making Hiring Easy

Recruiting top talent can be challenging, especially when it comes to hiring at scale. Finding the right candidates is a time-consuming and risky process. But what if there was a solution that could make the hiring process quicker, easier, and more accurate? Testlify, a talent assessment platform based in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, is revolutionizing the hiring process by offering a quick and engaging talent assessment with minimal drop-off rates and hiring control through BI.

Identify the best talent 3x faster

Testlify’s platform helps companies optimize their initial screening process by upwards of 75%, which frees up precious time for both hiring managers and the talent acquisition team. Our research shows that organizations have noticed an 82% reduction in time to hire. Testlify’s AI-powered assessment technology quickly identifies the best talent, making it possible to hire the right people, quickly and easily.

Build diverse teams

Unconscious bias can be a major hurdle in the hiring process, leading to a lack of diversity in teams. Testlify’s talent assessment platform eliminates this problem by giving all applicants an equal and unbiased opportunity to showcase their talent. The platform removes unconscious bias from the screening process and finds hidden gems from underrepresented backgrounds. With Testlify, you can build a diverse team that represents a range of perspectives and experiences.

Designed for high completion rates

Traditional assessments can be stressful, time-consuming, and unengaging, leading to low completion rates. But Testlify’s platform is designed to be low-stress, adaptive, and engaging, with tests taking just 30 minutes to complete. This is why over 80% of applicants complete the test, which is 2-3x better than typical assessments. Testlify is the most candidate-friendly assessment tool, leading to higher completion rates and a better candidate experience.

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Test on-the-job skills

Testlify’s platform is designed to test for fit rather than just memorization of algorithms. The platform offers a library of questions that are designed to test for on-the-job skills, ensuring that you find the most qualified candidates for the role. You can also create a role-specific assessment to test your applicants further.

Native ATS Integrations

Testlify integrates with popular recruiting tools such as Greenhouse, Lever, and GoodTime, making it easy to incorporate the platform into your existing recruitment process. With Testlify, you can spend less time switching tabs and more time finding the best talent.


In summary, Testlify’s talent assessment platform offers a quick and engaging way to identify top talent, build diverse teams, increase completion rates, and test for on-the-job skills. With native ATS integrations, Testlify can seamlessly integrate with your existing recruitment process, making it easier than ever to find the best candidates for your organization.





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