Startup Showcase: BlinkLab – Revolutionizing Neurological Disorder Diagnosis with Smartphone App

Unlocking the Potential of Objective Neurobehavioral Testing with BlinkLab's Revolutionary Smartphone App

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in six children in the United States has a developmental disability, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Additionally, nearly one in five adults in the United States live with a mental illness, such as schizophrenia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). While early diagnosis and treatment are crucial, there are still significant barriers to diagnosing these conditions, including high costs and limited access to specialized facilities. However, a New Jersey-based startup called BlinkLab is changing the game with its revolutionary smartphone app that uses advanced facial recognition and AI techniques to diagnose and monitor neurological disorders.

Enticing Subtitle: BlinkLab’s mobile app provides a user-friendly solution for remote neurobehavioral testing in children and adults.

Revolutionizing Neurological Disorder Diagnosis with Smartphone App

BlinkLab is a company that has developed a smartphone application that makes it easier and more cost-effective to diagnose and monitor neurological disorders. The BlinkLab smartphone application enables remote neurobehavioral testing in children and adults to help diagnose and monitor neurological disorders such as schizophrenia, autism, and attention deficit hyperactive disorder. The app can also be used in neuroscience and psychology research to study fundamental mechanisms underlying learning and memory formation.

A User-Friendly Solution

Until now, neurobehavioral tests required dedicated hardware in a permanent lab environment with substantial face-to-face interaction between researcher and participant. The new app is user-friendly, especially for infants and autistic patients since no face attachments are needed. With the BlinkLab smartphone app, anyone can do the tests by themselves at home following the user-friendly instructions provided by the app. Experiments can be programmed by healthcare professionals or researchers and selected from a list on the smartphone by the user. Data acquired with BlinkLab can be securely shared with healthcare professionals or researchers.

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Objective Neurobehavioral Testing

During a typical evaluation, the user will watch an entertaining movie or play a simple video game on the smartphone, while the smartphone delivers short auditory and visual stimuli in specific patterns. A test takes about 10-20 minutes. Using state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms, BlinkLab will measure the motor and emotional responses of the user to these stimuli. For most experiments, the main focus will be on eye movements and eye blinks. BlinkLab provides a behavioral readout using machine-vision algorithms, which can be used to characterize specific movements at video frames.

Potential Impact

The potential impact of BlinkLab’s technology is immense. By using the BlinkLab app, doctors and researchers can diagnose and monitor neurological disorders more easily and cost-effectively. BlinkLab’s technology also has the potential to revolutionize research on the underlying mechanisms of learning and memory formation, as well as the development of new treatments for neurological disorders.


BlinkLab’s mobile app provides a user-friendly solution for remote neurobehavioral testing in children and adults. The app’s advanced facial recognition and AI techniques make it easier and more cost-effective to diagnose and monitor neurological disorders such as autism, schizophrenia, and ADHD. By providing a user-friendly and accessible solution, BlinkLab has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people.




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