Startup Showcase: Cesi Industries – Redefining the Way We Enjoy Videos Online

The Future of Online Video Consumption is Here

Are you tired of endless ads interrupting your favorite videos? Are you tired of mediocre video quality and subpar content on YouTube? Enter Cesi Industries, the marketplace for the world’s greatest video content. This startup is revolutionizing the way we consume video online, and it’s about time.

What is Cesi Industries?

Cesi Industries is a marketplace for video content that puts the power back in the hands of creators and viewers alike. Each video is purchased by the viewer through a microtransaction, rather than through ads. With 49 creators on board already, and a combined audience of 51 million viewers, Cesi is quickly becoming the go-to platform for those seeking high-quality content.

The Benefits of a Microtransaction Model

The microtransaction model that Cesi uses is unique in the industry and has many benefits. Firstly, users can enjoy a paywall-free video watching experience, while spending between 5X to 10X more per month than a traditional subscription. This means that creators can earn much higher revenue, which in turn enables much higher production quality. Their videos will rival production studios and change the way we think about work.

Parents Can Set Daily Spending Limits

Parents no longer need to worry about their children accidentally overspending on videos. With Cesi’s automatic top-up from a credit card and automatic video payment under $0.20/video by default, parents can set daily spend caps on their children’s accounts for peace of mind.

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Challenging the ‘Free with Ads’ Revenue Model

Inspiration for Cesi Industries came from the realization that after 17 years, YouTube still does not make a profit, and 99.75% of creators do not make money. Hosting and creating videos are both expensive, and the ‘free with ads’ revenue model just doesn’t work. The number of professional creators is projected to increase past 500 million in the next five years, and when YouTube fails, they will all need a platform to call home.

Join the Cesi Movement Today

If you’re a fan of quality video content and want to support creators directly, Cesi Industries is the perfect platform for you. Say goodbye to ads and questionable content, and hello to a world of high-quality video content. Join the Cesi movement today and help revolutionize the industry.





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