Startup Showcase: Avolitty – Revolutionizing Cloud Application Performance and Security

Upgrading the standards for C developers worldwide.

Avolitty is a trailblazing startup that has taken the tech industry by storm with its innovative solutions that enhance cloud application performance and security. Avolitty achieves this by creating open-source C modules with exceptional algorithms while concurrently developing C developer guides that advance coding standards and techniques. With Avolitty, developers can build safer applications and systems by leveraging well-defined C89 code, APIs, and interfaces.

Avolitty’s GitHub

One of the standout features of Avolitty is its utilization of GitHub, a popular web-based hosting service for software development projects that use Git for version tracking. GitHub provides developers with an enormous range of project-management, collaboration, and developer assistance tools. Through GitHub, Avolitty hosts its C modules in a readily accessible format that makes the development process efficient and error-free. Developers can enhance data manipulation, math, web servers, game development, and cryptography through Avolitty modules. Additionally, Avolitty hosts similar JavaScript module counterparts on NPM (Node Package Manager) for each related C module.

Avolitty’s 5-year business plan

Avolitty has a long-term vision that encompasses a 5-year business plan that will change the way C developers operate. The plan includes four transformative products that will further enhance C development practices. The first product is Avolitty C Programming Security Standards Aggregation (CPSSA) Compliance. This comprehensive guide and reference manual help developers work efficiently while adhering to extended security standards collected from ANSI C, GNU C, ISO C, and SEI CERT C. The second product is Avolitty Open Source C Standard Library, which is an extended standard library collection with algorithms for efficient AI development, cryptography, data conversion, database servers, mathematics, and concurrency to name a few. The third product is Avolitty C Code Converter, which is an ingenious solution for automatically converting Go, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, and Shell scripts to performant and secure C code. The final product, Avolitty Visual Coding Platform, is a SaaS platform that enables developers to build, execute, deploy and export pseudo code to CPSSA-compliant C code in serverless runtime environments.

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Avolitty’s impact

Avolitty has garnered an enormous and loyal following within the tech community. The startup is revolutionizing the coding industry by advancing coding standards and techniques, educating developers, and providing valuable tools that make coding more convenient and efficient. The business is gaining more traction every day, and its impact will be felt for years to come.


In conclusion, the Avolitty startup is an excellent example of how innovation, daring, and education can bring transformative change to the tech world. By utilizing GitHub, NPM, and creating a range of modules, algorithms, and guides, Avolitty is poised to elevate C development practices for years to come. If you are a C developer, you should check their website, GitHub, social media platforms, and contribute to the cause of transforming the world of cloud computing.





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